
It’s safe to say, Instagram is definitely not a fad. With the amount of success, brands have had on the platform, it’s vital that you up your Instagram efforts to get the most out of the platform. If you’ve not implemented these Instagram strategies and aren’t sharing high-quality content, don’t expect to see the success you’re after.

Below are 28 Instagram statistics you should know about Instagram marketing in 2018.

1 – Using at least one hashtag increases engagement by 12.6%, including another handle increases engagement by 56% and posts with a location gain 79% more engagement. (Source)

2 – 60% of the top brands on Instagram utilize the same filter for every post. (Source)

3 – Roughly half (51%) of Instagram users access the platform on a daily basis, with 35% saying they do so several times a day. (Source)

4 – There are over 500 million monthly active Instagram accounts (Source)

5 – 59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram and 33% of internet users between the ages of 30 and 49 use Instagram (Source)

6 – There are 15 million registered businesses using Instagram business profiles. (Source)

7 – There are 16,600,000 Google searches for “Instagram” per month. (Source)

8 – Posting a video on Instagram at 9pm gets 34% more interactions. (Source)

9 – 80% of Instagram Users Follow A Business on Instagram (Source)

10 – Over 300 million accounts use Instagram Stories every day (Source)

11 – Posts that include another user handle in the caption receive 56% more engagement (Source)

12 – Users engage with content more on weekdays (Source)

13 – Posts that are tagged with a location receive 79% higher engagement (Source)

14 – Photos generate 36% more likes than video content (Source)

15 – Images with faces tend to receive 38% more likes (Source)

16 – Consumers who discover a user-generated photo have a 4.5% higher chance of conversion. Increases to 9.6% after they interact with the photo (Source)

17 – One in four ads on Instagram is a video (Source)

18 – 500+ million Instagram accounts are active on the platform every day (Source)

19 – Brands that shared video content on Instagram in Q1 2017 had the most engagement (16%) compared to Facebook (1.5%) and YouTube (0.3%) during the same time period (Source)

20 – Sponsored videos receive 3x more comments than sponsored photos (Source)

21 – Pizza is the most Instagrammed food ahead of Sushi and Steak (Source)

22 – The average caption on Instagram is 138 characters long, including hashtags (Source)

23 – 60% of people say they learn more about a product or service on Instagram (Source)

24 – Instagram has over 2 million monthly active advertisers (Source)

25 – 80% of Instagram users are from outside of the US (Source)

26 – Instagram is mostly used by 18 – 29-year-olds (59%), followed by 30 – 49-year-olds (33%) (Source)

27 – 26% of Instagram users make more than $75,000 each year (Source)

28 – Posts that include at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement (Source)


Gareth is the Content Marketing Manager at SkillsLab. He's a versatile digital marketer with experience on various platforms. When Gareth's not working he's usually jetting off around the world sharing his experiences on his blog and Instagram. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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