
The answer is simple; uploading a GIF to Facebook is easy.

Every month hundreds of people search Google “upload a GIF to Facebook”

Let’s put that question to bed and tell you, it’s super simple to upload a GIF to Facebook and in this article, we’re going to show you exactly how.

Facebook previously didn’t allow users to upload GIFs directly, the reason being they thought it would lead to a bad user experience for their platform users. It was only recently when Facebook decided to remove that limit and give users the ability to upload a GIF to Facebook.

Users were first given the ability to post a GIF by using a link from services such as GIPHY. Then, that lead to Facebook allowing Pages to share GIFs. Then the advertising options were extended allowing users to upload a GIF to Facebook. Now, Facebook offers all of that as well as the ability to use GIFs in the comments section and post GIFs just like you would an image or video.

Uploading a GIF to Facebook was introduced sneakily, without any big announcement of the feature. It was only then when users started to notice and it leaked out to major publications the feature was added. The way the feature works now is super simple. Uploading a GIF to Facebook no longer requires you to use a service like GIPHY. Facebook automatically recognises the file format and shares it just like it would with a video.

You even receive a notification of your GIF being processed and published just like you do for video uploads.

Just like with videos, uploading a GIF to Facebook should help increase the organic reach your post has. Facebook favours videos and Facebook Live, with GIFs being treated just like videos, there’s a good chance you’ll receive engagement and more reach.

Many people then follow with a question such as “what size GIF can I upload to Facebook? That’s still unclear at this moment in time. However, it’s good web etiquette to ensure the file size of your GIF is as small as possible. Ideally, no bigger than 1MB. For other networks such as Twitter, the max GIF file size is 15MB, so try to keep below that.

How To Upload GIFs To Facebook

  1. Load up Facebook. Click on “Create post” on your newsfeed, Page or in a group.
  2. Upload the GIF. Either drag and drop or browse for the GIF.
  3. Facebook will notify you once the GIF has been uploaded.



Gareth is the Content Marketing Manager at SkillsLab. He's a versatile digital marketer with experience on various platforms. When Gareth's not working he's usually jetting off around the world sharing his experiences on his blog and Instagram. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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