
In the murky world of business, salespersons are only as good as their last sales pitch. It’s this competitive spirit that has continually driven the industry towards the adoption of systems to guarantee a sale.

This new phenomenon has long been coming. Market trends have experienced an evolution of sorts, all thanks to technology. Today, consumers have the great benefit of accessing information about what they want right from their smart devices. This purchasing power has played a significant role in changing the dynamics of business.

More than ever, organizations are embracing a new approach to the sales pitch. Traditionally, the sole objective of sales pitches was to sell. In contemporary times, the goal is to help. The traditions of old were all about the salesperson talking to the audience. Reforms have forced the conversation to switch with the audience now being more vocal.

The digital age has transformed the scope of the conversation. If you’re a salesperson looking to make your mark in the world, you need to embrace technology. While knowing and doing are two different things, knowledge is still power. We’re certain our guide will be pivotal in helping you gain a comprehension of what constitutes a great sales pitch.

7 Sales Pitches Ever Salespeople Should Know

1. The One-Word Sales Pitch

This sales pitch is arguably the hardest to perfect. It all boils down to delivery. A polished salesperson prepares their presentation watered down to the very basic fundamentals. One-liners are excellent because the force consumers to think about a particular brand every time a special keyword emerges in the conversation.

Cliché as they may seem, one-word sales pitches are heavily used all around the world. Google, the tech titans have managed to carve a niche for themselves with regards to all things “search.” Politicians have also been known to favor one-word sales pitches. Barack Obama is one of the notable figures who rose to prominence with his message of “hope” in 2008.

Brands looking to formulate one-word sales pitches need to take three things into consideration. These are the values, objectives, and products that your brand represents. One-word sales pitches are incredibly effective in getting people talking about the brand. Once this happens, expect the masses to start asking about what products and/or services your organization offers.

2. The Social Media Sales Pitch

The social media sales pitch needs to be intelligently formulated to convince a significant fraction of the  2.62 billion users on the social media scene.

To craft the perfect sales pitch on social media can be tricky at times. Especially when you consider the ever-changing algorithms that define the social media scene. Platforms like Instagram have helped many a person achieve influencer status. However, most of this fame is not long lasting as there are always new people with new ideas looking to stand out.

Brands that know what they are doing ensure that they have deployed a multi-pronged approach. This guarantees that their sales pitches are able to withstand the litmus test of time.

In the ever-trending world of Twitter, your sales pitch is constricted to 280 characters, unless you decide to do a thread. Still, that does mean that the content you post is sufficient to compel people to become followers of a brand.

3. The Question-Based Sales Pitch

As a salesperson, the onus is on you to gauge how your target audience responds to the pitch. A positive feeling is sufficient for you to proceed with the question sales pitch.

Usually, sales pitches are crafted as statements which are compelling enough to assuage customers fears. The question-based approach tends to lean on a more direct tactic. These leading questions ensure that you’re able to get “Yes” or “No” responses from your audience.

In addition to this, you can also get extra insights into what really inspired their thinking. If they are able to confide with you, this means that they already have formed notions about what your brand represents. These insights can better inform what approaches to take to gain new followers of your brand.

4. The Elevator Sales-Pitch

Many salespersons hop from one building to another in search of new business. Due to time constraints, it’s quite hard for them to close deals. This led to the creation of the elevator sales-pitch. This happening has been labeled so because of the short and concise nature of the conversation. An elevator ride can take about 30 seconds before people arrive at their destination. There’s thus a need for salespersons to tailor their sales pitches to conform to this timeframe.

Elevator pitches are also usually delivered in business networking gigs or as LinkedIn connection requests.  To really sell the idea, you need to highlight the key elements of the story before injecting some extra sauce to the narrative. The elevator sales pitch works best when you as the salesperson decides to put emphasis on why you’re in the trade. Doing this can get your customers thinking about why they should subscribe to your services.

5. All about the Subject Line

Inventive salespersons have mastered the art of the subject line. While the subject line represents a minute section of every email, it plays a significant role in determining how you resonate with your audience. The three guiding principles of a subject line are specificity, efficacy, and inquisitiveness. While the three tenets are the guiding blocks when it comes to formulating a killer subject line, they should not be used all at once. You need to cherry pick what works for you and what doesn’t. Once you decide on this, you can then proceed to implement the subject line sale pitch.

Keeping your sentences short and snappy tends to raise intrigue among audience members. A subject line that makes readers curious due to the inquisitive nature of the layout is an obvious good-sell. If you happen to add a dash of specificity to the sales pitch, then, you’re in the box seat. You simply need to balance your books by avoiding incorporating all three tenets.

6. The Musicality Sales Pitch

Researchers have noted that rhythmic patterns tend to be perceived more accurately than their non-rhyming counterparts. If you can compose your sales pitch to have some tonality and rhythmic arrangement, then you are more likely to draw prospects.

Scientists have proposed that the reason why this is so is that rhymes tend to have the effect of improving the processing fluency of our minds. This means that people are able to easily dissect information presented to them with more ease. Embracing this tactic is a surefire way to ensure that you resonate with your audience.

7. The Follow-Up Sales Pitch

Findings have shown that about 80% of sales are deemed successful in the 5th to 12th attempt. What this data shows is that you should never give up on a prospect simply because they didn’t respond to the initial approach.

Ideally, follow-up sales pitches need to be brief. This straight to the point approach should be implemented right after you properly introduce yourself. This courtesy notifies clients about what organization you represent. Once they become receptive to you from a human perspective, closing the deal becomes much more likely.


Jack is known for leading the charge in sales innovation. He has a proven track record of working with top organizations to help them integrate social into their traditional sales process.

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