
Wondering what to post on Facebook?

Well, we’ve got a couple of good ideas. Our breakdown today will focus on sharing a couple of quick pointers to get you out of the writer’s block.

Before we do, a little bit of perspective is important.

The Beauty of Facebook

In the internet age, no social media platform has managed to distinguish itself from the pack the way Facebook has. As a powerhouse, the site offers excellent marketing opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to tap into different markets.

The fact that Facebook users spend about 35 minutes per day online makes for quite an appealing stat. Given this lengthy span, your brand stands a good chance of connecting with different audiences.

All you need is a little bit of know-how on how to reach out to prospects.

In our guide today, we’ll be looking at a couple of ways you can leverage the power of Facebook. Most recently, Facebook implemented tweaks in their algorithm. While this had added benefits to users because of personalization, it became harder for brands to stand out.

As such, it’s always wise to remember that the mission is not to beat the system.

Not at all. Instead, you should always objectively seek to smartly get yourself in the exclusive feeds section.

Keys To Success 🔑 The Best Practices

1. Be Engaging

Whenever you’re drafting content for your page, it’s important to create some mystery in the post. The more intriguing your post, the more likely you’ll create fan engagement.

On the flip side, posting blanket statements usually has zero impact on people. To keep things interesting, ensure that you always have people’s attention. By talking about a buzzworthy topic, you’ll be encouraging people to share their takes on the issue.

For maximum engagement, you can pose questions to your fans through either plain text of photographs. Alternatively, you can encourage them to fill in the blanks in statements you make.

2. Your Target Audience

Knowing your audience as you create content can massively help in getting the message across. Having a good idea of their likes and dislikes will help you align your narrative in order.

You’re bound to discover that your posts will always seek to appeal to your audience’s interests. While it’s true that you’re trying to get your message across, you need to focus more on your audience.

Their feedback on different topics will prove invaluable in terms of enhancing your marketing strategy.

3. A Solid Strategy

Having a plan is a fantastic way to boost your social engagement. With a readymade schedule, you’ll be able to consistently churn out results. Ideally, you need to posts on a regular.

Having a content calendar can help you decide on what types of content to post and the best times to do so.

A solid strategy also keeps your narrative organized across different social media platforms. You’ll be able to avert scenarios where the content overlaps.

Importantly, you want to ensure that the brand message is the same on all the platforms.

What to Post on Facebook: Types of Content

1. Company News, Articles and Updates

You can pique your audience’s interest by letting them in on a couple of happenings at the company. This means you’ll be using your voice to let the world know what your brand stands for.

Some of the things to share may include photos at events or announcements about product reveals, the latest blog articles and much more. You can also share snapshots of feedback requests and organize a trivia about the company.

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Posted by Buffer on Friday, 11 January 2019

Essentially, you need to use your position to inform fans about how the company is fairing. While at it, you’ll realize that their connection to the brand grows.

When you share content and add some insider notes, your fans will develop a sense of belonging and appreciate what you do by engaging more.

If you’re a news site or have a section on the blog sharing the latest news in your industry, this would also be worth sharing on social media. Especially if the topics are trending at the time of publishing.

2. Actionable, Insightful Blog Articles

There is no harm picking pointers from industry titans in your field. Especially if you’re looking to position yourself along the same lines they’ve built their brands.

Third-party blog articles are fantastic sources of information. The onus is on you to find the right articles that provide insights within your trade. In the long run, this will favorably place you in good books with your readership as it won’t always be content from your own organisation.

You’ll want to share third-party content every now and then. Try not to go over the top with this one as it’s not going to drive you much traffic at all.

To get started, it’s worth subscribing to a couple of blogs or adding them to your RSS feed readers, like Feedly, Buffer or many other tools available. This way, you’ll have all the new articles coming into the platform at once allowing you to filter through the ones you think would be worth sharing.

By sharing insightful content to your audience, you’ll be providing them with plenty of valuable information which also may result in more growth. If you can sustain the momentum for a couple of years, you may find yourself recognized as a reputable source.

3. Eye-catching Photos

In the last decade, sites like Pinterest and Instagram have caused massive ripples in the social media scene.

The secret behind their success? They tapped into the pictures scene.

Humans are naturally inclined to love beautiful photos that tell a story. If you can capture a moment on your camera, then, you shouldn’t hesitate to share it out with the world.

You’ll discover that the visual appeal from the photos you take will create fodder for people to talk about.

Cortado x Banana bread = Yes please! 😍

Posted by Costa Coffee on Tuesday, 8 January 2019

The more shares, likes, and comments you receive, the better the chances your enterprise has to flourish. Since Facebook has quite a following among social media platforms, your images will be exposed to a bigger demographic.

4. Meaningful Quotes

True, motivational speakers are a dime a dozen. Still, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t looking to get inspired by experiences.

If you’re unsure on what to post on Facebook, you can try breaking the ice with a meaningful quote or two.

If the context aligns with your audience, you’re certainly going to register high engagement on your page. By motivating and inspiring your followers, you’ll be slowly building a solid foundation for a fanbase.

The more people trust what you have to say, the more likely they’ll be willing to do business with you.

If you’re looking for inspirational marketing quotes, we’ve shared 101 of them here.

Rather a selection of inspirational sales quotes? Check these out.

5. Facebook Polls

Since many social media platforms are awash with people voicing out their opinions, why not take advantage of this trait?

With polls, you can give people the perfect opportunity to air out their thoughts and concerns.

Impressively, Facebook Polls usually have real-time feedback on the standings. This tends to further boost the engagement levels as people argue out their thoughts in the comments section.

Given the fact that the competition tends to be quite fierce, it’s best to avoid controversial topics. Agendas like religion and politics should stay off the table.

Choosing light topics creates ample conditions for discussions to occur without far-reaching implications.

Cognizant of the fact that people love polls, Facebook has upped the ante by making it easier for poll creation. You can easily get started by choosing Create Poll after scrolling through the drop-down options in your page’s posting box.

Once there, you can input and edit the various options you’d love to include in your poll. This space also allows for the entry of photos for comparison purposes. For comprehensive results, you need to specify a start and ending time for the poll to run.

For more hits on your page, you can review whether there are any data worth noting down from the polls, then, sharing this information in future posts.

6. Facebook Livestream

Nothing says impromptu like live video. The evolution of technology has massively helped social media platforms like Facebook to seamlessly support live streaming.

According to Facebook, Live videos garner about 6 times more interactions than regular videos. Given people’s fondness for video, a Facebook Live video is likely to receive more playtime than other posts.

Well aware of this, Facebook currently ranks Facebook Live videos higher up the food chain in their newsfeed algorithm.

Unsure on which direction to go in your Facebook Live video?

You can conduct product launches, giveaways, tutorials and some behind the scenes exposé.

Whichever route you decide to go, the goal is always the same, to boost interactions. Since live videos are usually something of an event, you can increase engagement levels by conducting some promo.

While a simple announcement can do the trick, you need to cleverly mask the agenda by offering insights on different topics. The Facebook Livestream event notice should then be mentioned at the very end almost akin to the typical CTA.

If you’re still unsure on what to post on Facebook Live, we recommend checking out this ultimate guide. From the analysis, you’ll be able to dissect various aspects of Facebook Live and learn how to get the most out of it.

7. User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a godsend. It acts as the perfect link between two worlds, the advertising industry, and social setups. In essence, it’s a mesh between stunning visuals and customer reviews.

User-generated content has been growing in prominence ever since Facebook announced back in February 2018 that they were making tweaks to their algorithm. At present, Facebook ranks posts with higher engagements atop newsfeeds. Those will little to zero social interactions lie at the very bottom of many newsfeeds.

Traditional advertising methods have been phased out largely because the average consumer has access to so much information.

Millennials, in particular, don’t care much about traditional forms of advertising. A recent study actually showed that about 84% of millennials don’t trust brands running ad campaigns.

Businesses looking to resonate with millennials in this day and age have been forced to change tack.

Nowadays, the digital word-of-mouth is worth its weight in gold. To benefit from UGC, you need to tailor your efforts towards fantastic customer experience. Doing this usually foster the right conditions for the plaudits to start trickling in.

If your service delivery is immaculate, you simply need to keep your eyes and ears open on social media platforms like Facebook. Content shared by users usually comes in the form of blogs, audio clips, video and image reviews.

By giving consumers the power in their hands, you stand better odds of making it big in the market.

Some of the ways you’re likely to benefit include brand exposure and increased conversion numbers. The fact that major brands like Coca-Cola, GoPro, and Starbucks are already riding the UGC wave shows that UGC is the way forward for businesses.

Waving in the new week.👋 📷 Chris Gratton repping the Londoners in Leogang, Austria, as he went quadding through the snow…

Posted by GoPro on Monday, 14 January 2019

If you’re still pondering what to post on Facebook, then, we suggest starting things off with UGC. Reading this detailed user-guide will prove invaluable in your quest to master the high seas of the social media world.

8. Contests

Human nature is inherently competitive.

Your brand can benefit from this trait by holding Facebook contests in the online world. Through such contests, you can gain a bigger following, more email subscribers and land more sales leads.

While all this sounds dandy, coming up with contest ideas is a whole different ball game. Objectively, the contests you hold should be captivating enough that your audience leaves feedback.

At the same time, your leads should find your message so appealing that they decide to go further down the sales funnel and complete a sale.

You can hold fan-of-the-week contests, best photo contests, hashtag contests, and correct answer contests.

These 4 contest ideas are some of the most popular in the world because they give audiences a voice.

As alluded earlier, digital word-of-mouth is the way to go for brands looking to position themselves as industry leaders in this brave new world. Since contests favor organic reach, there’s no reason for you to overlook them as you grow your brand.

Parting Shot

Having mentioned a couple of tips on what to post on Facebook, it’s important to remember that your audience will always have the greatest bearing on which direction you take.

When you have a pretty good idea who’ve your targeting, it becomes easier to reach out to them. This is because you’ll find it easier getting into their state of mind and envisioning different scenarios.

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