
Account Based Marketing (ABM) is an interesting phenomenon. With each passing day, B2B buyers are increasingly expecting brands to deliver an Amazon-esque experience. This means that products and services nowadays need to be tailored according to their tastes and preferences.

Account Based Marketing is based on the premise of the Pareto Principle. The logic here is that businesses can ably produce 80% of returns with as little as 20% effort. ABM seems the most ideal way for brands to push their agendas to leads thanks to the changing technological tides.

About 74% of Americans have confessed to experiencing email overload. As a result, many have unsubscribed from various email lists in a bid to clear the clutter. This means that businesses have been forced to change tack in order to remain relevant.

When it comes to offering solutions, ABM has stood out like a sore thumb. Compared to other marketing channels, 97% of marketers revealed that ABM yields a much more impressive ROI.

Given the impressive stats, it makes perfect sense why ABM has been all the rage in the marketing scene. Our analysis today will be reviewing a couple of quick pointers to get you started.

5 Steps to Getting Started with Account Based Marketing

1. Identify the Target Audience and Implement

Getting the right crowd on board is of the essence when it comes to implementing any strategy. Since the focus is on large organizations, it’s best not to get too engulfed in creating personas. Instead, the emphasis should be on finding the right mix of marketing and sales. From this pairing, you’ll be able to get crucial information like firmographic data. This data tends to reveal a lot about location, industry, revenue and profit margins.

Importantly, you should always remember that while market research is important in finding your locus, it’s not only determining quality. Qualitative skills like intuition and experience should always be factored in.

During implementation, account Based Marketing strategies need not be constricted to a box. Instead, you should work towards implementing ABM across all systems in your organization. Having the sales team as part of the action ensures that all transactions are handled with as little impediments as possible. You can avoid the hassle of handling ABM instances as tactical actions by thinking long term. Once ABM becomes part of the account planning process, everything becomes streamlined.

2. Research Accounts

After identifying your target audience, you should inquisitively look into their M.O. Doing so enables you to envision them as mammoth-sized organizational personas. Proper research will help you come up with comprehensive information on various business customers.

Having a map of the key players in an organization and the company setup can prove to be invaluable. This is especially true when it comes to pitching particular products and services to your target demographic. LinkedIn is an excellent platform when it comes to looking up organizations’ profiles.

3. Get Realistic with the Time Frames

While it’s true that Account Based Marketing is a great way to grow your audience, you need to be realistic. ABM’s impressive final-showings don’t happen overnight, they take time. Since you’ll be dependent on ABM engaging with your high-profile clients and strategic accounts, a little patience is not too much to ask.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should neglect the process wholly. You can be poised about the whole situation whilst being effective. Timing all events in a calendar is a great way to boost long-term sales success. Realistic timeframes ensure that all engagement milestones follow a sequential order.

4. Content Creation

Naturally, humans tend to have fantastic conversational skills. Many people prefer being told a descriptive narrative instead of a barrage of straight-up facts. As a marketer, you should be convincing in the manner you wove your yarn. The content needs to directly highlight some of the major talking points across the board. The message needs to target specific employees and businesses.

Since the focus is not on individuals, the content needs to be drafted with organizations in mind. This means that the narrative needs to cover a broad spectrum in order to guarantee benefits. During the content creation process, you need to also ensure that you’re more concerned with the art of the deal. This attention should be centered on singular specific deals.

While at it, you’re bound to discover that Account Based Marketing and Inbound Marketing are birds of a feather. This is because quality is vital in helping organizations achieve their end-year targets.

5. Channels and Campaigns

Once you sort out the content creation process, you need to think about distribution. Having the right channels in place helps you effectively promote the crafted content. Stellar content doesn’t have the legs to sell itself. Rather, you need to dedicate time to promoting the content.

Choosing the right channels is an easy-peasy job with the right tools in tow. One excellent resource is the Pew Research Center Demographics of Social Media Users platform. By using the utility, you can effectively get data from the top social media sites in the world. You can profile users from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

After accessing these social media platforms, you’ll be able to discover a little bit more about your users. You’ll learn a great deal about how they consume various content and which channels they use.

With everything handled, the next step is running your ABM campaign. Care should be taken to ensure that the message sent out is coordinated and structured across all channels. Having an elaborate setup ensures that you don’t send out contradicting views on a subject matter.

According to Demandbase, many B2B marketers encounter difficulties in reaching their goals due to one sole reason. They listed out that B2B marketers have a limited number of possible suitors. This is especially true when you contrast them to consumer marketers who have the masses in their favor.

Wrapping up…

Account-based marketing is a relatively easy-to-understand concept. As mentioned earlier, it has similar traits to inbound marketing. A well-run Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaign helps you find your targets. On the other hand, inbound principles help targets find you.


Kevin Thomas Tully is a globally-recognized Social Selling and Big Data strategist who employed the principles of Social Selling long before the term entered the popular business vernacular. A Johns Hopkins-trained data scientist, Kevin has applied true buyer intent data, predictive analytics, and data mining to the sales and marketing process for more than a decade to gain a strategic marketplace advantage for leading brands worldwide.

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