
Looking for the latest Twitch banner size? The Twitch profile picture size? Thumbnail size and the panels?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this Twitch guide, we’ll be giving you all the sizes and dimensions for every type of graphic you can use on your Twitch.tv channel. And yes, that includes the Twitch offline banner, panels and much more.

Twitch Offline Banner Size

The Twitch offline banner is what will be displayed when your channel is offline, i.e. not live. The size for the Twitch offline banner is 1920 x 1080 pixels, a ratio of 16:9 is recommended for the best resolution.

Remember, the maximum file size for this banner is 10MB and can be in either a GIF, JPEG or PNG format.

Twitch Panel Size

For Twitch panel images, the size you’ll want to use is 320 x 100 pixels. The maximum size, however, is 320 x 300 pixels. Any larger and Twitch will automatically downsize the images to those dimensions.

Keep in mind, Twitch panel images should be less than 2.9MB each.

Twitch Thumbnail Size

Thumbnails for your videos on-demand need to be a maximum of 1280 x 720 pixels. The ideal ratio needs to be 16:9.

Twitch Profile Picture Size

The size for your Twitch profile picture should be 256 x 256 pixels. If your profile picture is larger than those sizes, your image is likely to be rejected automatically.

The max file size for your Twitch profile picture is 10MB and can be either a JPEG, PNG or a GF file format.

Twitch Profile Banner Size

Twitch recommends that all profile banners (also known as Twitch cover image or header) are 1200 x 380 pixels. The file formats accepted are JPEG, PNG and GIFs. All must be no more than 10MB in file size.

By using the above-recommended sizes, your images will look high-quality on all devices.


Gareth is the Content Marketing Manager at SkillsLab. He's a versatile digital marketer with experience on various platforms. When Gareth's not working he's usually jetting off around the world sharing his experiences on his blog and Instagram. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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